Stay with her and become a s*x toy.
Leave her and become free again. That was the hard decision I had to make. The truth was I didn’t want to make the decision.
I’m deathly afraid of being alone.
My single days have always felt like my worst days. Maybe I’m a mommy’s boy. I’ll take it. The months and weeks that led up to this decision to walk away from the woman I thought I loved … tortured me.
I knew what the outcome had to be. But I kept focusing on the downsides. I didn’t have any sort of framework. I’d jump wildly from “she’s gotta go” to “you can’t live without her.”
When we had an argument in the car at the traffic lights, she got out, slammed the car door and walked away. She expected me to chase her like my normal puppy dog self.
For the first time, I didn’t.
That was what deciding looked like. No more wild chases.
We all have to make many hard decisions throughout our lives. Most people can’t do it. They don’t make a decision … which is a hidden decision. They suffer from decision fatigue (so did I).
This is my framework to avoid decision fatigue. It’ll help you make better decisions and faster. That’s how you join the top 1% in your field.
Choose the least bad option
Some decisions suck ass.
It doesn’t matter what you decide, the outcome is terrible. A friend of mine got cancer at 11 months old. His mother had to either let him die or give him an experimental drug with a 96% death rate.
She chose the least bad option. He lived.
Don’t expect nothing but good times and great classic hits. Prepare to make hard decisions by deciding you’ll take the least bad option every time.
The cheat code to decisions I see no one talk about
There are very few great decisions in life.
That’s a hard pill to swallow. Many people want to make gorgeous decisions that have perfect outcomes.
They go through all the alternate realities that stem from their decision, as if they’re a fortuneteller who can predict the future.
The truth is every decision has tradeoffs. The harder the games you play in life, the greater the wins … but the larger the tradeoffs are.
So if tradeoffs are guaranteed, the question you must ask instead is:
What am I willing to give up in order to reach greatness?
Make hard decisions with numbers
It’s easy to decide solely based on your experience or logic. The problem is it lacks evidence. The best evidence is often statistics.
My daughter is about to be born and I have to decide how many vaccines to give her. I’m not a Mr Anti-Lax-Vaxx but I am careful not to overindulge on them. The doctor said one of the vaccines was a must for my daughter and close family members.
He showed me the stats so I could make the decision. I decided to get the jab. So did everyone else.
Stats make you seem smarter.
The trick isn’t always to make better decisions
What makes decisions hard is dealing with the uncertainty of your choice. If you can handle uncertainty you can tackle the hardest decisions.
Be okay with uncertainty. Make it a habit.
“If it isn’t a clear yes, then it’s a clear no”
Some decisions don’t make sense. They’re often a trap. Say no when clarity is missing. Often there are lies involved in these decisions that hide the truth (on purpose).
The question that gets you fired up
Some people’s lives have plateaued.
They want more but don’t know how to get it. A few decisions have the power to forever change the trajectory of your life.
The outcome may not be known. But if you feel lifeless and like everything is boring, these are the decisions to take a chance on.
Anything is better than staying stuck.
Get advice from pros (even if it costs more)
I used to make decisions with advice I got from amateurs.
It cost me a stack of cash. I learned that hiring professional accountants, lawyers, and coaches is ten times cheaper. They give you much better information that makes it heaps easier to decide.
Hire experts to make fast decisions you won’t regret. Amateurs are too bloody expensive.
The goal is to make less decisions (here’s how)
Some people love making decisions. Screw that.
Every decision drains energy from your brain. Expert David Liszewski says “A system will allow your brain to make less decisions.”
A system is a fancy word for document everything in Google Docs and create checklists for tasks you do regularly.
That way, over time you end up making less of the same decisions and can redeploy the energy in other areas of life — like a little rumpy pumpy once in a while. *Giggity Giggity allllrighttt*
Remember why you’re making the decision
Volodymyr Zelenskyy makes hard decisions in wartime by looking at a photo of his family hanging on the wall.
When family is top of mind it’s easier to make decisions for the right reasons, instead of BS materialistic look at me, look at me reasons.
You’re standing in a room with 1000 doors, your job is to close 999 of them — Tom Bilyeu
Are fast or slow decisions better?
I prefer fast decisions.
The problem with slow decisions is they lead to overthinking and procrastination. The more time that passes the lower the spark of inspiration from the initial need for the decision becomes.
And once the energy is lost so is the chance a decision will get made.
Fast decisions rely on experience and gut instinct. They often lead to the best results. Let common sense lead you.
The most expensive decisions are often caused by overthinking and inaction — OrangeBook
Look at how many core priorities you have
Most people can’t handle more than three key priorities.
When faced with a decision, you want to see if it connects to one of your core priorities. Otherwise, what you’re doing is making a decision to lose focus on what matters. That’s a dumbass decision.
Say no to decisions not connected to your three key priorities.
A plethora of options creates a poverty of commitment — Shane Parrish
Stay the freaking hell away from these dirty decisions
In corporate La La Land group decisions are sexier than Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic.
They’re the worst. Everyone agrees with each other to avoid conflict and protect their annual bonus. As a result, good ideas are murdered in front of innocent men and women wearing pinstripe suits.
Stay away from group decisions.
“Don’t outsource your happiness or success to other people’s decisions”
In my 9-5 job people would connect their happiness to what their boss, customers, or colleagues thought of them.
If the company had a bad year they were devastated. All of their happiness came down to decisions outside of their control — layoffs, pay rises, bonuses, or firings.
The corporate world wants you to care about their BS decisions. Don’t.
Hardwire your happiness to family, life goals, and side hustles.
Decisions attached to time machines are horrific
Gary Vee thinks a lot of businesses overthink decisions.
They accidentally step into a metaphorical time machine and think they can ride into the future and see the outcome. The truth is there is no way to know what the alternative would have been.
Gary’s advice is to make a decision. Then as time passes you can alter the decision if things don’t work out.
99% of decisions are reversible.
Purposely choose the hard option ya little devil
Many people make the easy choices.
I like to purposely make hard ones. Naval Ravikant calls these uphill decisions. They’re the ones that smash your caveman biology to instinctively avoid pain into pieces.
The outcome is larger results that compound faster.
Investment versus loan decisions
It’s easy to make dumb short-term decisions that give pleasure but steal from your future.
These are called loan decisions. You’re borrowing from your future self. It’s what the entire global economy is built on.
The best decisions to make instead are investment decisions. These ones help you invest in your future, like learning a new skill.
If your future self won’t be proud, don’t do it.
The worst outcome is you die underutilized
It’s easy to make decisions out of fear.
What if this fails? What if I lose money? What if people talk smack about me? What if it’s harder than I thought?
But the biggest problem when making decisions isn’t that the worst will happen. No. The worst problem is you won’t make any decision and end up dying underutilized.
Make decisions instead of avoid them. Lean into the fear. That’s how you leave this world without the burden of regrets you can’t undo from heaven.