Your skill stack determines your income online.
Few remember this.
They want more money but then don’t know how. The answer is to add new skills. That’s what I’m doing. I want to take this online game to the next level and inspire more people to chase their goals.
These are high-income skills I’m learning. Chances are, one or more will help you do the same if you want to earn money online.
Talking people through their fears
There’s a category online known as high-ticket sales.
It’s where a person’s job is to help potential buyers decide on attending an event, buying an online course, or joining a mastermind.
They’re guns for hire.
They don’t own the products or services they sell. They simply sell them on behalf of others. The typical sale price is upwards of $1000. They make a fee on every sale.
This lesser-known category of making money online exists because people are scared.
$1000 is a lot of money.
It’s natural for fear to set in. We need to have someone listen to our problems and understand how we’re feeling. That’s what a high-ticket salesperson does. They help make your fears real and talk you through them.
This is a field I’m learning. Why? There are a lot of con artists in this category who just want to make sales.
I want to learn legitimately how this subtle art works. It will allow me to sell higher-priced products and services online to fewer people one day. It will help me get better at screening out customers I shouldn’t work with too.
Whatever you do online, you need to be good at sales.
The #1 missing ingredient to online success
I’ve seen many content creators try and sell books or courses and fail badly.
The same happened to me. Then I found out that all the greats use copywriters. A copywriter is someone who uses words to sell products or services. Their key skill is they can say a lot in less words.
This is crucial because the online human attention span is decreasing. We’re living in a goldfish memory generation.
I’ll share a secret.

I started having professional copywriting done for me a while back. It changed the game. Everything got better.
Now I want to learn the skill myself because I’ve seen the power.
Takeaway: If your products/services aren’t selling, your copy sucks.
Community management as a service
However you’re trying to make money online, you’ll need a community.
The typical options are Slack, Telegram, or Discord. Discord is the best because the automation is phenomenal. It leaves the rest in the dust.
As I’ve found, managing an online community is a lot of work.
- Replying to questions
- Welcoming new members
- Starting conversations
- Hosting Zoom calls
- Dealing with moderation issues
I haven’t mastered community yet. I want to learn how it’s done so I can then train someone to do it for me. This is a relatively new skill.
Get some community management skills. Then approach someone with a community and offer to do CaaS (community as a service).
Mr Beast video skills
Video is how you build a deeper connection with an audience through webinars, masterclasses, and video courses.
All the biggest Youtubers such as Mr Beast started with basic video skills. Only when they became successful did they pay others to do it for them.
Right now I’m learning the basics of video and editing with Final Cut Pro. I’ve built a small studio in my home to take things to the next level.
Here’s the equipment I’m using for anyone interested:
- Logitech Brio camera
- Shure SM7B Microphone
- Shure A26X Extension Tube
- Rode PSA1 mic stand
- Steinberg UR22 Soundcard
- Adam Audio speakers
- Logitech MX vertical mouse
- Elgato light strip
- 2 X Elgato key lights
- Elgato stream deck (coming soon)
- Phillips Hue Wifi lights (for mood)
- Ikea Satsumas plant stand and Kallax shelving for video background
You can’t make good money online with crap audio and video. Few understand this.
High-quality video and audio make your content shine.
Unconventional affiliate marketing
Many online side hustlers stuff this up: they sell a digital product too early.
One of the best things you can do is be an affiliate for someone else’s product.
Why? Because you can use their marketing, social proof, and many years in the online game to make money.
It takes time to build a product too. If you’re working on making money online after hours, you may not have 3 weeks to spare to film an amazing online course. Or you may not have the equipment or finances to do it properly.
Affiliate someone else’s product.
In the process you’ll learn how to market and sell it before you launch yours. A side benefit is it gives you a way to build a relationship with that creator.
Online friends are where the real money is made online.
I cannot believe my inbox isn’t full of these types of requests. Some of my digital products have enormous traction.
That’s why I’m in the process of learning how to go beyond my own email list and learn about affiliate marketing. A friend of mine does 50% of his course sales with affiliates. I’m nowhere near this number.
Affiliate marketing is older than my grandpa, yet it’s still effective AF.
How to accept money with crypto
Making money online is painful.
All the middlemen payment companies bleed you dry in fees and give you snail speed payouts. PayPal is by far the worst. I’m learning how to burn these leeches at the stake and accept payments in crypto.
Stop the steal.
The dark side of Web3
I’ve crossed over. Web2 overlords have created artificial limits on us creators. I seek to break the keepers of chains with Web3.
User-owned platforms. User-owned content via NFTs. User-voted moderation policies. The dream is decentralized, geographically spread out, non-racist humans making the internet better.
Web3 is where most of the money will be made online in the next few years.
It’s where I spend a lot of time acquiring skills. I do it quietly while most are distracted with the censorship options we have right now.
Takeaway: Learn Web3 skills to get an unfair advantage.
Basic coding
The internet is built on code. Understand code and you’ll understand how a lot of modern-day life works. That’s a high-income opportunity.
Leadership skills
This is a strange one to have on the list. Hear me out.
Leaders drive people to action.
If you want to make money online you have to get good at leading people in an ethical way to action. I’m working on my leadership skills. The more I do online, the more I need the help of others.
I can’t lead a team of people if I don’t know how to be an effective leader. Simon Sinek is my go-to guy to learn these skills.
Closing Thought
Build your skill stack to make money online.
Think carefully about what the best skills are to learn. Not all skills are equal.
If I had to pick one skill above everything else it’d be Web3 skills. It’s already made me crazy amounts of money by understanding how Ethereum works.