by Tim Denning | Jul 19, 2021 | Life Hacks
The internet nukes my brain, often. My brain gets stuck in a death loop of thoughts about stuff that really doesn’t matter, that I won’t remember on the day I take my last breath. A non-functioning brain is best described with states of mind such as burnout, brain fog...
by Tim Denning | Jul 19, 2021 | Money
Making money feels like a hamster wheel. What’s the point of it all? I’ve been riffing on this idea for a while. These are the ideas that have shaped my thinking so far: Wealth is quiet. Rich is loud. Poor is flashy.Money buys back your time.Having time makes you a...
by Tim Denning | Jul 19, 2021 | Life
Unconventional views of the world help challenge the status quo. If you don’t push the boundaries sometimes of what is politically correct, you risk becoming a sheep that blindly follows the pack. Sheep can accidentally walk off a cliff when they can’t see far enough...
by Tim Denning | Jul 19, 2021 | Startups
Career decisions require my head to be WD-40’d. It’s the hardest part of a career. Do you stay or do you go? Do you hop on over to the greener grass, or stay on the pee-stained grass you’re already sitting on? Or do you go and look for a new field of dreams to work in...
by Tim Denning | Jul 19, 2021 | Life Hacks
“How are you?” is a lie. Every time I hear it at the start of a conversation with a stranger, it’s rare they actually mean it. How are you? is a throwaway line we’re taught to say at a young age, so we can appear to be polite. It’s a question that scares me. I answer...