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Your Path to 100,000 LinkedIn Views (Part 3)

5 Types of Posts That Crush It On LinkedIn

Here are the highlights from the video

Make sure to watch the video for all the details. If you’re in a rush, here are a few of the key topics we talk about.


What to do when you are stuck on LinkedIn

It happens to all of us.

We write for a while, and then we get stuck.

That’s why I have to study platforms. I can’t count on myself to generate ideas over and over again all on my own. I have to see what else is happening? What are the patterns? Who else is succeeding, and how?

Over time, I’ve seen 5 categories of posts work over and over again.

Whenever I’m stuck, I go to one of these.

(The video has tons of examples for each of these)


The Personal Story Post

I try to put my story in everything I post on LinkedIn. However, there are times where I’ll stretch one story into a whole post.

If you don’t read any further, and if you never watch the video, remember this:

The best thing you can do is share your story.


One structure for personal stories that works well on LinkedIn is The Timeline Method, where you simple review the last few years of your work, and how they led you to where you are today (“Five years ago, I was pouring smoothies…”).

You can also get crazy vulnerable, telling about significant life events, such as a pregnancy, engagement, or marriage. Just don’t forget to phrase it in LinkedIn Language.


The Controversial Opinion Post

Now I’ll be the first to admit, this is a difficult tightrope to walk. But on LinkedIn, one thing that works well is having a strong, controversial opinion (without talking about a taboo subject like group sex, obviously)

One example is from Gary Vee: “I genuinely believe that society is wrong about what you should do from 22 – 30.”

If you are willing to make a firm stance, and you aren’t afraid of a little backlash, this might be the option for you. Feel free to state an injustice in business – hiring, career gaps, female leaders, graduates being rorted, interview questions, skin color.


The Practical Tips Post

This might be the easiest type of post.

One of the easiest wins on LinkedIn is to simply say what is helpful. In other words, what helped you “do the thing?”

Show people how to do something. This works well for any category, and it will naturally attract people who are interested in the same topics you are.

Pick a skill that helps someone in their career, and then show them how to do it.


The One-Sentence Truth Bomb

Are you dynamite at coining phrases? Do you live for one-liners?

If so, the truth bomb might be the type of post for you.

Sometimes, keeping it short is the best way to go.


The Conversation Starter

Do you think these tips have been helpful?

No matter your answer, I’ve already pulled you into a conversation. This works well on LinkedIn, where you can get real feedback in real time. You can actually start a meaningful conversation, leading people further into your big ideas, your services, or your products.

At the end of the day, that’s the beauty of LinkedIn.

Great conversations, AND great business potential.

