by Tim Denning | Sep 27, 2021 | Motivation
The world can look like an amazon bushfire somedays. When my mind is put through a blender I like to find stories. Human stories have the power to show you an alternative. They can get you out of a dark place if you let them. Took me hours to find these four stories....
by Tim Denning | Sep 27, 2021 | Life Hacks
All it took is one tiny hammer to break my glass exterior. The car remains in the driveway. No cars can get through. Zero apologies are handed out. The tissue box in my boot is empty. The rage starts to boil to the top of my brain. “Move your car ya punk!” What...
by Tim Denning | Sep 27, 2021 | Money
Money is the most misunderstood subject on Earth. We’re misled by money because it’s hard to understand (by design). There’s a reason the finance industry exists. It’s to unpack the complexity of money for you for a nice fee. I like to challenge my thoughts about...
by Tim Denning | Sep 27, 2021 | Money
Those who have money think life is fair. Those who don’t have money think life is unfair. What if, no matter which side you represent, there are other unfair truths? This question has kept me curious for 5 years. I’ve learned working in banking and as an investor that...
by Tim Denning | Sep 27, 2021 | Entrepreneurs
A friend of mine earns $500K per year at his job. Ever since I met this guy years ago, he’s been telling me he will quit. At one point I was about to work with him and he told me “no point, I’ll be gone by the end of the year.” That was three years ago. This quote...