by Tim Denning | Aug 16, 2020 | Writing
I got out of my chair and yelled “I’m going to pitch James Altucher!” Spur of the moment inspiration can teach you a lot. You have probably been inspired by a writer or podcaster or vlogger before and dreamt of emailing them to perhaps make a new friend or change your...
by Tim Denning | Aug 16, 2020 | Writing
There are some damn inspiring people in the world whose last name is not “Musk.” Jon Morrow is one of them. I discovered him a few years ago. He’s a bright spark for those experiencing darkness. He’s not just a writer; he’s an inspiration. He’s the sort of guy that...
by Tim Denning | Aug 10, 2020 | Motivation
There is no other moment in history like the one we’re living through. There is a health crisis with no cure. And a financial virus ready to wreak havoc on victims who didn’t see these tough times coming. There will be devastation. There will be beauty, too — that’s...
by Tim Denning | Aug 10, 2020 | Writing
James Altucher is not just a man with a killer afro. In an interview with blogger Jon Morrow, James gave this advice: Be afraid to hit publish. His words resonated with me. Vulnerability is the superpower I discovered, that helped me reach millions of people online....
by Tim Denning | Aug 9, 2020 | Life
What if starting with success, progress, or a head start was a burden? Think about all those success freaks you know. The trust fund babies. The ones who got a free college degree from daddy types. They all got screwed — royally. There are many ways to live your life....