by Tim Denning | Aug 30, 2021 | Money
Saying you own Bitcoin used to be like admitting you loved fluffy handcuffs. Nobody would dare admit it. I hid my secret for years. Then I came out and admitted my love for Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. People were rough on me. Crypto and the word ‘scam’...
by Tim Denning | Aug 30, 2021 | Entrepreneurs
There are people who hate Gary-Freaking-Vee. I understand why. In the early days he told us to work our faces off and dropped a lot of f-words. As a result, burnout culture went mainstream. The huge problem I have is that Gary changes from year to year. The early Gary...
by Tim Denning | Aug 30, 2021 | Learning
LinkedIn doesn’t pay content creators. There are rumors floating around online that LinkedIn is about to pay content creators for their blood, sweat, and tears. We can only hope they see value in their user’s content and open their enormous Microsoft wallet. As a...
by Tim Denning | Aug 23, 2021 | Money
Being a landlord feels like slavery. Hear me out. If one more dude in an Armani suit tries to knock on my door and sell me real estate, I’m gonna puke. The Western world is obsessed with real estate investing, according to research from The Economist. Just look at the...
by Tim Denning | Aug 23, 2021 | Life
I’m a dumbo. You can’t tell me anything. I have to learn the hard way. Only through experience do life lessons truly sink in and become evidence we can reference when a similar situation comes up. Honestly, I’ve had to learn these truths multiple times. My hope is...