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Time Brutally Reveals the Truth About Content Creators

Time Brutally Reveals the Truth About Content Creators

Content creators have created a complaints epidemic. It’s showing up all over the internet. Squirrels are coming out of their dirt holes to watch the fireworks. Some people are adding to the festivities. I’m not. Time separates the content creators we remember, from...
If You Fit In, You’re Replaceable

If You Fit In, You’re Replaceable

If there’s a second Buddha then it’s Keanu Reeves. Every time an article about him pops up I read it and wonder. I know something wild is going to happen. In a recent interview actor Sandra Bullock helps us understand Keanu’s weirdness. “When I first met him, I would...
I Got Married (Finally)

I Got Married (Finally)

Coroni-macaroni didn’t want us to get married. Well F-You Coroni! Our wedding got canceled three times because of lockdowns. Nothing could stop us today. It happened. The photos are a little strange. We got married next to Parliament House. The steps were full of riot...